Part I "MIB"

Dana Scully tried to concentrate on the slide she had in the microscope
before her.  Frowning, she gave up and leaned back to stretch her tired
neck muscles and glance at the wall clock overhead.  It read  Almost lunchtime.  The mail courier rollerbladed by and
skidded to a halt in front of Scully's desk, dropping memos and files,
and skated on.  Scully permitted herself a little smile, and stood up
to shrug off her lab coat and leave the clean room.  Plopping down in
her desk chair, Scully reached for the memo she knew would be there and
glanced at the familiar script, "Meet me for lunch if convenient.  If
inconvenient, come all the same.  Mulder"  Scully smiled wryly and
placed the note carefully into her purse. "Hey Dana, are you up for
lunch?" Scully looked up to find her colleague standing in the doorway,
removing a pair of surgical gloves.  Johnathan Stokes was an expert in
forensics and she was glad to be working with him.  Forty-ish, graying,
but with a stately imposing personality, Scully had a feeling he
appreciated her, too.  Perhaps a bit too much.   Scully smiled
apologetically, "Sorry Doctor.  I've got to meet someone." "It's okay,
and my name is Johnathan.  You've been working here for days now;  I
think that we can dispose of the formalities." "All right, Johnathan." 
Scully moved to pass Stokes, but couldn't help but brush by him as he
moved out of the way. "Maybe next time?"  Gesturing to the stack of
memos, he asked, "Who is the lucky person from upstairs you are always
having lunch with anyway, if you don't mind my asking?" Scully gave
herself a second before replying evenly, "Oh, just a friend.  If you'll
excuse me, I'm late."  Scully put her trenchcoat over her arm and left
before Stokes could reply.

Scully was glad to be outside and out of the confines of the labs. 
Picking up her pace, she headed for the usual lunch spot.   Strange,
she thought as she made her way through the lunch hour crowd, just two
weeks ago the X-files were shut down and Mulder and I were assigned to
different sections;  it made sense that she was sent to Forensics but
assigning Mulder to Personnel was blatantly insulting.  He got a nice
office upstairs and had plenty of responsibility- and also plenty of
people to "guide" him along.  Scully turned off the street and followed
a cement pathway to the hot dog vendor's and bought herself lunch. 
Continuing on, she spied Mulder, sitting on the usual bench right next
to the duckpond.  Scully suddenly felt uneasy at the sight of him
sitting, all alone. He was feeding the ducks the last of his lunch as
Scully sat down beside him. "Hey, Scully.  I'm glad you got my
message." "Mulder, we have been having lunch together ever since we
were split up.  I don't see why you have to be so mysterious about it."
She bit into her hot dog, "After all, its not like they told us we
couldn't speak to each other because we are no longer partners."
"Unless you count Skinner." "I don't count Skinner," she said hotly, 
"His 'request' that we 'disassociate' ourselves has no bearing on our
personal time, which this is." "And if we happen to discus FBI
business..." "It's nobody's business but ours."  Scully felt a little
of the nagging worry that she felt disappear as Mulder turned his head
to grin at her. "How is Forensics these days?" he asked. "Fascinating. 
But completely within the realm of the normal- no mutated anything has
been placed on my desk."  Mulder turned away and did not look amused. 
Scully gave a little shrug.  "Sorry.  But I feel so much like my hands
are tied." "Yeah, I know the feeling."   Mulder continued to look out
upon the water. Scully attempted to lighten his mood, "Dr.Stokes keeps
wondering who I run off to see every day.  He probably thinks I'm
having an affair with the Director or something because I'm so
secretive." Scully was rewarded with a harumph from Mulder, but then he
turned away, and his face clouded over.  Scully paused in mid-bite at
the sight of Mulder's face.  "What is it?" "Here," Mulder handed Scully
a document, "this just passed through my office.  I think they want to
break up our little tea parties." Scully unfolded the letter and made
no attempt to hide her disbelief, "Mulder, this is a letter of transfer
re-assigning me to Quantico!" "Yup, in three days.  You will be
transferred to Quantico and from there, to who knows where.  A real
four-bagger job." "Who's the Agent supervising this directive? I'll go
speak with..." "It's me, Scully." Mulder turned to look into Scully's
questioning eyes, "They put this on my desk.  The bastards are just
waiting for me to say something." Scully shook her head as if to clear
it.  "It says here that Stokes is backing the request for transfer. 
I'll be moved to Quantico with him." "No doubt your 'supervisor' in
every sense of the word." Scully sighed and looked out at the water. 
"They really have it in for us, don't they Mulder."  She felt a hand
rest on her arm and felt compelled to voice the truth. "I'm scared,
Mulder." Mulder replied, his voice giving the calming assurance she had
become so familiar with,  "The harder they squeeze us, Scully, the
harder we'll be to separate." Scully managed a small smile and turned
towards Mulder.  So what's next, Sherlock?"

Mulder returned to his office deep in thought.  He recalled the look
Scully gave him as they split up at the elevator;  it was one of
determination and of trust.  A look of trust that Mulder did not want
to lose.  He pounded his fist into his desk in frustration.  There had
to be some way to turn his situation into an advantage!  Without Deep
Throat...Mulder felt the anger rise up again at the thought of the loss
of his contact.  There were so many unanswered questions...about
everything.  The man who apparently organized the killing, the 'Man in
Black' as Scully had dubbed him, was the only link Mulder and Scully
could follow.  They had effectively buried Scully in Forensics and he
in Personnel-  and they both knew that someone was monitoring their
activities, at least for now.   Yet...Mulder reached for his telephone.
 It was a long shot, but right now even that looked good.

Scully returned to her desk, grateful to see that Dr.Stokes hadn't
returned from lunch yet.  She moved into the lab, making sure that no
other agents were in the area.  Putting on protected gloves, Scully
reached for the nitrogen cooling chamber of experimental specimens. 
The vapor curled around the test tubes as Scully pulled out the tray. 
Scully couldn't help but recall with loathing and wonder the true
contents of the vial marked "Rhesus monkey # 24b URINE SAMPLE 5/24". 
She and Mulder had determined that the safest place for their evidence
would be in plain view;  besides, Scully certainly didn't want to have
what was in that vial sitting in her freezer at home, right next to her
ice cream.  She quickly returned the vial to it's proper place and
returned to her desk to work on the latest autopsy report, knowing that
it was best to not allow for any suspicion whatsoever.  As they had
discussed at lunch, all they could do was follow their instincts.  And
as Scully knew firsthand, Mulder had the best in the business.

"Danny?  Hi, it's Mulder.  Yeah, I need you to find the call sheet for
me from Acoustics.  That's right, from the week of 5-8.   Well, you
know, now that I'm part of Personnel, I need to keep an eye on these
things.  Agents with a tendency to "borrow" excessively from certain
areas might be using equipment for personal agendas.  Who, me?  What do
I know of personal agendas, Danny?  Hey, I'll tell you what;  remember
Miranda from the 'Skins game?  I have her phone number....great, thanks
Danny."   Mulder replaced the receiver and began rummaging through his
desk to find the number.  To assume that the MIB was a fellow agent at
the Bureau was chancy at best, but Mulder had a hunch.  He recalled
their "friendly" conversation in Berube's attic and knew that some of
his methods were distinctly FBI.  Mulder knew that if they could find
the MIB, they would finally find someone they could talk to about the
sample.  Someone who would believe.

"Dana, I wanted to ask you..." "Yes, Doctor?" "Will you have dinner
with me tonight?" Johnathan Stokes stood over Scully's desk and she
wondered if she really had a choice. "Doctor," she began, "Johnathan. 
Your offer is quite kind, but I have a personal rule;  not to get
involved with the people I work with on a social basis."  Scully stood
and began gathering her things, hoping he would get the hint. "I
see...well, let's call this a business dinner, then." he smiled
ingratiatingly.  "I mean, you and your former partner..." Scully
stiffened, "What about my former partner and I?" "Well, I hear that you
two were not, shall we say, completely professional?" Scully could
barely contain her contempt for the man, "I believe you were
misinformed, Doctor.  Why, my former partner was even more professional
than you."  Scully headed for the door, then turned to face Stokes. 
"Sir, if this campaign of yours towards my personal life continues, I
will report you to Personnel." and she left, feeling Stokes' eyes like
beams at her back. "I'm sure you will," Stokes murmured.

Dana shut the door to her car, wondering if she made the right
decision.  Perhaps it wasn't wise to rebuff the attentions of Stokes,
as it was now clear that he was involved in her surveillance.  Scully
reached to turn on the car, and nearly dropped her keys at a rapid
rapping at her window. She glanced up to find a familiar face. 
"Mulder!"  He gestured for her to open her window. "Scully, could you
give me a lift?  My car refuses to start." Scully knew something was up
from the look in Mulder's eyes. "Sure Mulder, hop in."  Scully scanned
the parking lot as Mulder walked around to the passenger side of the
car.  As far as she could tell, they were the only ones in the garage. 
She started the car and headed out, a question forming on her lips. 
Mulder shook his head at her, and they rode in silence until Mulder
said, "Feel like some ice-cream Scully?  My treat."  Scully pulled over
to the drive-in and they stepped out of the car.  Taking her arm,
Mulder bought two cones and they began walking. "Scully, I've got
something." "What is it?" "Just a hunch..." "I've heard that before,"
Scully interjected as Mulder continued without missing a beat. "... I
pulled up the call sheet for Acoustics to see who may have used a
subsonic listening device the night I was at Berube's and made those
phone calls.  There was one name.  Ian Keating.  He's our MIB, Scully."
"How can you be so sure?  It could have been anyone." "Come on, Scully.
 What is the first rule for conducting a covert operation?" "Keeping it
simple." "Exactly.  Why bring in another organization?  If Deep Throat
was right about the 'black organizations' they could have easily
activated one of their men right here in the Bureau." Mulder had a
point, Scully thought.  Yet the whole thing seemed so fantastic.  "I
think Stokes is one of them, Mulder." Mulder stopped walking and looked
at Scully with concern.  "What makes you think so?" "Frankly Mulder, he
just gives me the willies."  Scully paused to wrap her coat tighter
around her slim body. "'Willies'?  A wonderful scientific term, Dr.
Scully!" Ignoring his remark, Scully continued, "I had heard of him
before, but never met him until I was sent down.  He certainly was not
what I expected." "In what way?" Scully pursed her lips.  "Well, I know
that he reads my reports when I'm not at my desk.  He also takes note
of who sends me memos.  And..." Scully trailed off, wondering why she
found these particular points significant. "And what?"  The light
dawned on Mulder and he couldn't help but look bemused.  "Has he come
on to you?" Scully gaped at Mulder.  "How did you know?" "From what
you've told me..." "I've never mentioned it before." "...and that every
time his name is mentioned you cross your arms defensively  and a
wrinkle appears right there,"  he poked her in the forehead. "Oh."
"What are you going to do?" Scully paused and squinted her eyes
thoughtfully.  "I'm going to try and reel him in." "Scully..."  Mulder
said warningly;  they had completed their walk around the block and
were headed back to the car. "Mulder, it's the only way to find out who
is behind all of this.  The MIB could be anyone, anywhere.  Stokes is
accessible and a suspicious character.  Hey, it will give me a chance
to do something."  Scully looked at Mulder pointedly.  "We don't have
much time." Mulder knew she was right, and nodded, opening the door for
her. Scully looked at Mulder sideways and felt compelled to add, "Don't
think I'm going to enjoy this, Mulder." Mulder's face was unreadable as
he replied calmly, "I know Stokes will."

The next morning, Dana's ears still tingled at Mulder's whispered words
in the elevator;  "Be careful."  She had every intention of being
careful, but that didn't ease her nervousness at the sight of Stokes
bent over his microscope when she reached the lab.  As she thought, the
letter of transfer had already arrived on her desk.  Scully opened it
and re-read it, looking up to find Stokes had entered the room.  "Sir,
this is quite a surprise." "I remembered that when you first was
transferred here, you said something about not being sent to Quantico. 
The opportunity arose, and I thought you'd like to be teaching again."
Scully hoped she was smiling warmly at him, "You're right.  I missed
teaching at Quantico and had actually hoped to be sent there.  Thank
you." "You're quite welcome.  Actually, I came in here to apologize for
my conduct yesterday.  Since we will be working together in the future,
I wanted to ask if we could begin again." Stokes looked sincere.
"Certainly," Scully replied, hoping she looked as sincere as he did.  
Stokes nodded and moved off.  Scully found herself alone and somewhat
at a loss.  She hadn't quite figured out what game Dr. Stokes was
playing but she was determined to find out.

Mulder ambled down the hallway to the door marked 'Acoustics' and
entered.  After flashing his ID to the man at the security desk, Mulder
dove into the long aisles of equipment.  He found the shelf containing
the sound-sensitive listening devices and was relieved to note that
there was only two sets.  Glancing around quickly, Mulder removed the
finger-print kit from his pocket and dusted the handles for prints,
lifting two clear prints from each.  Mulder was counting on the theory
that the MIB was someone within the Bureau, a "moleε in plain view- an
agent that would have to be on record.  Pocketing his evidence, he
strolled out of the room and headed for his office.  He had a memo to

Dana sifted through the stack of files just placed on her desk to find
a packet marked with a small x.  Knowing it had to be from Mulder,
Scully began to open it when Stokes knocked on her open door.  Lowering
her hands, Scully looked at him inquiringly. "I'm surprised you're
still here, Dana.  I thought you'd have left for your lunch by now."
"No, my friend was busy today." "How about lunch with me?" He held up a
hand, "We can discuss our move to Virginia." Scully slipped Mulder's
packet into her jacket pocket;  it would have to wait.   "That would be

After they sat, Scully took her first good look at Johnathan Stokes. 
He had a long square face, receding hairline, and piercing dark eyes. 
A healthy tan could not hide the pinkish scars around his nose and
chin.  Plastic surgery?  she thought as she turned her eyes away to
look at the menu. "So, Dana, are you still looking forward to
Quantico?" "Yes.  Although I must admit to being a little surprised by
the transfer." "The fact that it was issued by Agent Mulder?" Scully
took a breath and decided to give a shot of her own.  "How do you know
so much about me, Doctor?" Stokes reached for his water-glass, "Simple.
 I looked you up.  Mulder is quite a character and it was no small
event that the X-files were closed.  I was intrigued to discover that
you were his partner for so many of his investigations.  I've been
wanting to ask you...did you believe in any of those cases, Dana?" He
looked at her face searchingly. Unwaveringly, Dana replied:  "I have
learned that in any investigation, scientific or not, there are always
those who are... open to extreme possibilities."   From that point on,
their conversation turned to the mundane, yet Scully had already lost
her appetite.  There was something about his eyes...

Mulder watched Assistant Director Skinner fold his hands
sympathetically.  The smell of cigarette smoke hung heavily in the air,
but the smoker was nowhere to be seen. "...and furthermore, we believe
that Agent Scully would benefit from a refresher course at Quantico
before becoming a field agent again.  As your reports indicate, you two
did not follow standard procedure in many of your cases.  That is all,
Agent Mulder." Mulder rose from his seat and proceeded to exit;  he had
to make a try at protesting Scully's transfer- they were expecting it.
"And Mulder..." Mulder turned to face his superior.  "Keep your nose
clean and we'll put you on active duty, too.  You're too valuable an
agent to be at a desk." "As long as I follow procedure." "I don't think
I like your tone, Agent." "Sorry, sir- I would never mean disrespect to
those I do respect." Mulder shut the door behind him and decided he
needed a drink to rid himself of the taste of smoke in his mouth.  
First he checked his desk.  No word from Scully.   He had no idea what
she was up to, but he hoped she was making progress.

"Thank you for lunch, Johnathan." Scully rummaged through her purse as
Stokes paid the bill.  She found her compact and pulled it out, letting
it slip from her fingers to land near Stokes' foot. "Oh, I'll get
that." Stokes reached down and picked up the shiny black case and
handed it with a smile to Scully. "Thank you.  If you'll excuse me a
minute?" Scully stood and Stokes replied, "Of course." Scully wound her
way to the ladies' room.  Once inside she carefully wrapped the compact
in her handkerchief and tucked it into her purse.  Next, she opened the
package Mulder had sent her.  A short note told her that Mulder had
gone to Acoustics and the films she was holding could belong to the
MIB.  " Well Mulder," she murmured under her breath, "I may have a set
of his prints too."

PART II "MIB" Mulder hated to call in favors, but Scully was right; 
they didn't have much time.  The longer they were idle, the longer they
had to perfect their story and cover-up.  Mulder couldn't investigate
agents' records, but he knew a few people who  could.  He wasn't very
surprised by the contents of the folders before him-  Ian Keating,
Special Agent, had been "deactivated" a week before the death of
Berube.  A hatchet-faced man in the photo, Mulder wished he could
recall more details from his time spent with the MIB- it certainly
didn't help that his eyes had been swollen shut from the vapors- and
the beating.  The reason listed for the deactivation was a "medical
leave of absence" signed by Assistant Director Skinner.  Mulder rubbed
his lower lip.  To him, Skinner always seemed the front man, a pawn in
someone else's' game, ultimately replaceable, if need be.  But what if
he were more?  Conducting top-level operations right under his
superiors noses?  It was a possibility he couldn't ignore.  Skinner was
already linked to Keating...Mulder's phone rang, breaking him out of
his thoughts.  "Mulder here.  Scully! Where have you been? All right,
I'll be right down."   Mulder reached for his coat and the files and
headed for the elevator.  Scully didn't want to meet at the Lab;  she
said to meet her "at the FBI's most unwanted" which, in Mulder's mind,
could mean only one place.

Scully waited tensely, perched on the edge of her old desk.  The
office, searched with the usual delicacy of the FBI, was in shambles. 
Only now, weeks after the X-files were closed were they given
permission to pack up any personal items.  Scully felt as if everything
in the room had been inspected with a microscope, including herself. 
Footsteps in the hallway alerted her to someone approaching.  Dana
didn't realize just how nervous she was until the feeling of relief at
the sight of Mulder washed over her. "Scully, what have you got for us?
 I hope you didn't have too much trouble getting those prints
analyzed."  Scully noticed Mulder's eyes scan the room and the brief
look of sadness come into his eyes at the sight of his posters and
belongings hanging from the walls scattered askew, and the file
cabinets, gaping open and empty.  Sensing her thoughts, Mulder
murmured, "We can spring clean later.  What do you have?" Scully took a
deep breath, "Mulder, I had no problem analyzing those prints.  All I
needed was a magnifying glass." "What do you mean?" Scully gave a
self-conscious glance around and then tried not to whisper, "Mulder, I
took a set of prints from Dr. Stokes today.   I compared them to both
of the prints you sent me.  There was a match!" Mulder's eyes lit up
eagerly, "Here, I have the files of both Ian Keating and Stokes.  I
haven't had a chance to look at the good doctors' yet, but now seems
like a good time, wouldn't you say?" Scully and Mulder laid out the
contents of both files across Scully's desk.  Scully pointed to the
photo of Keating, "That is the man I remember driving the van." "Hard
to forget a face like that."  Mulder picked up the photo for Stokes. 
"Notice how poor quality this photo is?  It could be you, Scully, and
no one could tell the difference." Giving him a look, Scully pointed
out something else, "And notice the deactivation time and activation
dates for both men.  Coincidence?  The discrepancies allow for just
enough time for a little reconstructive surgery for our MIB." "So
Keating really did have a 'medical reason for deactivation'.  Someone
was doing a hurry-up patch job here, Scully.  And lookee here;  all
documents were signed by our favorite Assistant Director." Scully
looked searchingly at Mulder, "Do you think Skinner is inside in all
this?" "I don't know, Scully.  It's a possibility." "But can we risk
exploring that possibility?  Our evidence presented to the wrong
people..." "I know, Scully.  But don't you think it's a risk we have to
take?" "A risk for whom?  What exactly are we trying to do here,
Mulder?  Expose the 'black organizations'?  Reinstate the X-files? 
Save innocent children from experimentation with alien virus?  Or just
take revenge?"  Scully hadn't consciously wanted to raise her voice at
Mulder; Scullyφs usually reasonable self was worn thin by the anxiety
and frustration of the past few weeks. Mulder's face set into something
unreadable. "I'm sorry Mulder," Scully rubbed her eyes, hard. "It's
just that..." "It's okay, Scully." he said, but backed away from her. 
"To tell you the truth, I really don't know what is the best thing to
do with the evidence we possess.  Can you tell me?" Scully could not
find a ready answer for him. Mulder stood across from her, leaning
against his desk, hands in his pockets. "Sure, I want the X-files
reinstated. Sure, I want to get the people responsible for the killing
of those scientists...and for Deep Throat.  I don't want to be a pawn
anymore, Scully, for anyone." Mulder paused, and Scully wanted to reach
out to Mulder, draw him back to her, to let him know that he wasn't
alone.  But she didn't move, and the moment passed.  Mulder crossed his
arms and his face turned darkly, "And when those people are out of
commission, those children will be safe.  That's all." "Mulder, "
Scully began, slowly, and watching for his reaction, " you haven't
mentioned anything about having the truth "out there".  What about the
truth?" "The truth revealed to a selected few is still the truth,
Scully.  Everybody else are just ignorant of the facts." "Are you
saying that if we reveal the truth to the right people, the rest don't
need to know anything?  How can anyone be selective about the truth?"
"Scully, what I'm saying is that perhaps it is not up to us to decide
if people are ready to know the truth." "No Mulder, what you're saying
is that it is up to us."  And Scully didn't like the idea one bit.
"What I want, Scully, is the freedom to explore these truths unhindered
by falsehoods.  Once unfettered, the truth cannot be ignored.  I want
these people to know that they can no longer use Fox Mulder and Dana
Scully and the FBI to suppress the truth." People passing outside their
door brought their discussion to a sudden halt.  They stood, regarding
each other, two people first separated by beliefs and now by
circumstance, two people who found themselves, strangely, thrown
together into an alliance that would bind them together inexorably
forever. Worse things could happen, thought Mulder, and he unfurled one
of his rare smiles to his partner and friend.  Scully shook her head at
the sight, and unleashed a rare smile of her own.  Together they began
picking up the pieces of their decimated office. If there's one thing I
can still believe in, thought Scully, in a flash of revelation, it's
Fox Mulder.

Scully placed the capsule holding the vial of alien tissue into her
box, tucked into her old pencil holder. "Just wanted to say..."  Dr.
Stokes paused to take in Scully's activity, "packing for Virginia
already?" he was not successfully hiding a smile. "Yes, actually." 
Scully plastered a grin on her face and scooped up her package.  "And
I'm glad you stopped by.  I'm having a little going away party at my
place tonight, and you're invited." "I am?  Is...Agent Mulder invited
also?" " No."  Scully lowered her eyes demurely,  "I have been...a
little distant with you, Doctor. I thought it would be a good
opportunity to um, get to know each other better.  Since we'll be
working together, of course." "Of course.  I'd be delighted."  Stokes
gave a short bow and ambled away. Scully pursed her lips and fingered
the capsule thoughtfully.  She couldn't believe that she had just lied
to a superior.  No, not lie- as Mulder would say, she had "willfully
participated in a campaign of dis-information."  Scully hoped that
double-speak and some good old-fashioned extortion would be enough for
the little drama to be played at her house that evening. Oh what a
tangled web we weave....

The man took a long drag from his cigarette. "I know," Skinner replied
without looking at the smoker,  "I've got my man on it.  If they are
withholding anything, we'll find out about it, sir." The smoking man
blew another cloud of smoke and looked piercingly into Skinner's
blinking eyes.  "You are on your own on this," he murmured. Skinner
nodded fractionally and swallowed, hard.  His throat was suddenly very

"Discover any aliens amongst the janitorial staff, Mulder?"  Agent
Blake fingered one of Mulderφs UFO posters that dangled out of the
cardboard box.  "Have you experienced any sudden urges to visit Devils'
Tower?" "Can it, Agent.  I've got work to do." Blake would not be put
off so easily.  He leered at Mulder and said mockingly, "What's been
worse, Mulder?  Losing your precious X-files or that hot little partner
of yours?" "Let me tell you something, Blake."  Mulder picked up his
box to avoid doing something damaging to Blake with his hands. "I would
fry your brains with my Martian ray gun, but Scully never liked it when
I left a room untidy.  She, unlike you, has evolved past Neanderthal. 
Excuse me."  Mulder took long strides away from his office.  Mulder was
accustomed to ridicule from his colleagues, but he really hated it when
they used him as an excuse to diss Scully.  Unfortunately, Mulder
didn't have the time to deal with the likes of Blake.  He had a dinner
appointment to keep.  And someone to invite.

Later that evening... Scully puttered around her small kitchen,
checking the pasta, her hair in the reflection of the microwave door,
the position of her weapon under her jacket...Stokes would be there any
minute, and Scully knew they had only one shot at this.  Scully opened
the door to her bedroom.  There in the dimness, Mulder lay sprawled on
the bed. "Are you making yourself at home, Mulder?" Scully inquired
with a raised brow. Mulder sat up at attention and said in his best
Eddie Haskell voice, "Yes, thank you Mrs. Cleaver."  Scully let go of
the door handle and raised her arms.  Mulder moved off the bed and
close to Scully, spinning her around by the shoulders to untie the
apron from around her waist.  "Something smells good.  You'll have to
cook me dinner sometime, Scully." "Only if you cook one for me." Scully
replied, taking the apron from his hands. "Which I know you can't.  Are
you set?" "As ready as I can be.  How about you?" "This is one
entertaining job I could do without." Mulder gave her a lopsided grin,
"Just don't you two start tangoing your way into the bedroom, okay?"
Scully smiled back at Mulder wryly.  "Call me twinkletoes, Mulder.  I
hear the door." Scully shut the door behind her and answered the door,
trying to slow her breathing to a normal pace.  Stokes stood in the
doorway, apparently alone.  They exchanged pleasantries and Scully put
the flowers he brought into a vase.  She also took his coat and noticed
with some surprise that he was not carrying a gun, at least not in a
shoulder holster.  Scully was running on automatic, hoping she was
saying intelligible things, as she got Stokes to sit on the couch
facing the bedroom door.  "Just a second,"  she found herself saying,
moving towards the kitchen, "I have something for you."   Scully felt
like she was moving in slow motion as she reached for the tray of
vegetables.  In the center lay the pressurized nitrogen capsule, a
shiny silver egg surrounded by carrots and celery.  Her palms beginning
to sweat, Scully placed the tray in front of the doctor. "What's this,
Dana?"  he asked casually. "This,"  Dana said slowly, "is a deviled egg
specialty of mine I like to call Purity Control."  Here we go. Stokes
put his food down on the coffee table.  "What is this, Dana?  What are
you involved in?" "Nothing that you haven't seen before, Stokes.  I
believe you knew a Doctor Berube?  He was involved in a project that
utilized what is contained in that capsule." Stokes leaned back
nonchalantly.  "Say I did know a Dr. Berube.  What would I want to do
with his research?" Mulder emerged from the bedroom, gun in hand, 
"Let's drop the charade, Keating.  We want to know who you're getting
orders from.  Who was in charge of  the Purity Control cover-up?"
Stokes/Keatings' face contorted into something animal, vicious.  He
glared at Scully and then at Mulder, "I should have killed you Mulder,
when I had you trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey.  But I will
derive so much more pleasure to see you both defeated without a clue as
to why." "Keating, you aren't giving us enough credit."  Scully said
coldly, "don't think that this is the only sample we have.  Others are
carefully stored elsewhere.  No matter what happens to us, the truth
will come out." "The truth about what?"  sneered Keating.  "I don't
know anything;  I was just following orders.  The man you really want
is out of your reach.  I can't tell you anything you don't already
know." "I know, that's why I asked someone else to be here tonight." 
Mulder replied. Keating looked wary, but disbelieving. "You wouldn't
dare..." "Yes, yes we would."  Dana replied.  The doorbell rang.  "And
here he is." "Speak of the devil..." murmured Mulder. Scully pulled out
her weapon and opened the door.  "Hello Mr. Skinner.  Come right in." 
Skinner gaped at Scully in complete surprise and stepped inside. "Agent
Scully, Agent Mulder?  What is the meaning of this?" "Come on in
Skinner, we were just waiting for you." Mulder gestured towards a spot
next to Stokes. "Have a seat." Skinner moved towards the couch, Scully
frisking him before he sat down. "Agents, you are going to be in BIG
trouble for this, I can assure you.  Mulder, have you gone mad?  This
is no way for you to get back in the Bureau's good graces.  And you,
Scully, I came over here to wish you luck at your new assignment." 
Skinner looked from Mulder to Scully while shaking his head until his
eyes rested upon the silver capsule. "Don't give us the innocent
routine, Skinner, we know what you have been trying to do.  Well, we're
here to do a little purity control of our own."  Mulder replied. 
Skinner paled visibly and seemed to sink further into his seat. ∞You
two have been withholding vital evidence.  I demand you let me take
that right now and I give you my word that I will not mention this
incident to anyone."  Keating snorted and motioned towards Mulder and
Scully.  "Can't you see that they are not here to turn themselves in,
sir?"  Skinner's face flushed red, and he snapped at Keating with an
authority not usually heard from him, "You keep your mouth shut mister,
I'll handle this.  When this is over, you will be somewhere so remote
that toilet paper will become just a fond memory."  Keating was reduced
to sullen silence.  "Report back to the Bureau and wait for
instructions from me."  Keating stood automatically at Skinner's
command.  Scully and Mulder tensed for action.  "Let him go," Skinner
demanded,  "he will follow orders.  What we have to discuss does not
concern him." Mulder looked at Scully and nodded fractionally.  "All
right,"  Scully breathed, unsure.  "He can go."  Keating picked up his
things and left, with one backward glance at Scully that made her skin
crawl. "Can we trust him?"  she asked Mulder as they heard his car move
away. "He's a good soldier;  I don't think he'd disobey orders from the
Assistant Director."  Mulder replied. "You're right, Mulder.  Keating
is very aware of the consequences of not following orders; unlike
some."   Skinner picked up the shiny object.  "Let me tell you what is
really in this vial, agents.  It's not extra-terrestrial, as I know you
and Mulder believe."  Scully glanced at Mulder, who seemed unprepared
for this change of topic.  "In fact, you two have been chief suppliers
of much of the research that has been happening." Scully didn't like
the direction Skinner was taking,  "What do you mean, we were the
suppliers of this material?" Skinner knew he had their attention, 
"Genetic mutations, Agent Scully.  Remember that Tooms character?  Some
of your other X-file discoveries?  You don't realize what an ally I
have been for you.  Unlike some, I choose not to believe.  By
discrediting the X-files, I've slowed down some of the research.  But
there are those who take an avid interest in matters that are not
everyday.  Someone was leaking information to you, Agent Mulder, but
not only to you, and not only about X-file cases.  People were getting
worried that some of the more- exotic- research being done and the
ranting of a certain informant would lead people to the conclusions
that you and Agent Mulder have formulated.  I was assigned to put a
stop to it." "So you put a stop to Deep Throat.  You're saying that
Purity Control and Zeus Storage and Dr.'re saying that all
of this has been a show put on for us?"  Mulder picked up Skinner by
his lapels in anger, "You used me to flush out Deep Throat.  You needed
to find the leak and you knew that a story about alien experiments
would bring both of us running." "Very good, Agent Mulder."  Skinner
said, unfazed.  "You know as well as I do that the samples you possess,
while revealing, mean nothing without further evidence to support it. 
But you played right into our hands and turned everything we wanted
over to us."  Mulder dropped Skinner back on the couch and turned away.
 Skinner sneered in triumph and turned towards Dana.  "Agent Scully,
you believe me don't you?  There was no extra-terrestrial research
occurring.  There never has been.  This was an elaborate scheme to help
terminate a man who was being indiscriminate- and delusional- about
information he was exposed to.  Scully- Dana-,"  Skinner's tone turned
pleading,  "be rational about this.  I put an end to the X-files
because the more cases you two solved, the more research and
seriousness would be devoted to those solutions, perhaps one day
leading to experiments such as the ones we staged for you.  In the name
of ethics and national security, I couldn't allow you to continue."
Scully glanced at Mulder, then back at Skinner.  What Skinner said made a twisted sort of way.  It certainly made more sense than
the idea that aliens had been visiting the Earth for over forty years. 
 And she and Mulder had encountered some strange things while solving
the X-file cases;  she'd always assumed that someone would continue
research on their finds.  Whatever the case, it still didn't dilute the
fact that Federal Agents were involved in multiple murders and the
assault on Mulder.  She looked hard at Skinner.  "Sir, it doesn't
matter what I believe.  What matters here is the truth.  You, and the
agents following your directives have violated the law and your oaths
as Federal officers.  I'm placing you under arrest and turning you in."
Skinner balled up his fists and hissed, "You can't do that Scully.  If
word of this gets out you and Mulder will never work together again, I
promise you.  The X-files will be buried so deep that the director
himself won't be able to find them!  Discrediting me will only put you
in the spotlight, and don't imagine that you will last very long under
that kind of scrutiny!" Mulder turned to face his superior. "We'll make
a deal with you, Skinner." "Mulder!"  Scully hoped that Mulder knew
what he was doing;  so did he. "I'm listening, Mulder." "We don't want
to discredit you;  we want you to resign.  You and those working with
you."  Mulder motioned towards the spot previously occupied by Keating.
 "Withdraw and reinstate the X-files for Scully and I and leave us and
the FBI free and clear to investigate your story.  I'm sure you can
swing it, a smart guy like you." "And if I don't comply?  What do you
plan to do?  No one would believe your story, or your word against
mine." "Maybe.  But we do have physical proof of something- unusual-
being researched by the government.  You choose to call it X-file
material.  Okay, Scully and I take credit and break this story wide
open, demanding adequate funding and research for our investigations. 
You will have failed in your desire to have the X-files overlooked and
the truth will be aired for all to see.  It will be the biggest
government scandal since Whitewater.  You could take any stand you like
on the matter and still come out looking like a fool." "You and Scully
would never work again after all the publicity." Scully shook her head
slowly.  "I don't think so, sir.  We'd have to put up with a lot of
hoopla, but how long would it be before the public's attention is
diverted elsewhere? No, Mulder and I would be put back on the X-files
Mr. Skinner, but your career would be destroyed." "So if I agree to
resign, we all come out winners?"  Skinner asked warily.  "I retire
with an unblemished record, you get the X-files back, quietly, and at
the same time send a message to the people upstairs?" Mulder nodded. 
"In a nutshell." "And what about Purity Control?" Scully moved to stand
next to Mulder.  "We'll discuss that right here."

The party was in full swing;  everyone from mail couriers to department
heads were present for the farewell bash for their beloved Assistant
Director Walter Skinner.  He, along with a handful of other agents and
aides, were being transferred to the Pentagon.  An interesting move at
best;  they were certainly going to be buried amongst the throngs of 
other suits at the Pent.  Yet with a wink and a shrug, the Bureau
couldn't pass up a chance for a little revelry. It was rumored that
even the Director himself was to make an appearance. Another
little-known, but hot topic amongst the locals was the re-activation of
the X-files;  rumor around the water coolers was that "Spooky" Mulder
had asked a few favors from his friends on the Hill to get his pet
project put into action once again.  The man had peculiar interests,
but that was Spooky;  besides, while he was tied up chasing UFO's he
didn't have the opportunity to make everyone else look bad. Mulder
meandered through the crowd, pausing now and then to say thanks to
people congratulating him on getting the X-files back.  He found the
sudden outburst of sentiment fascinating, but his attention was
elsewhere.  "May I cut in?"  Mulder brushed past Agent Blake and
scooped up his dancing partner. "Mulder..." "Hello, twinkletoes. 
Enjoying the party?" Dana Scully brushed an errant piece of auburn hair
from her eyes and replied, "I don't see why Skinner even invited us. 
The sight of us together must make him furious."  They both glanced
towards the front of the room where Skinner sat nursing a drink,
glaring at the two agents whenever they danced by. "All the more reason
to make a stand tonight." "A united front?" "Exactly."  Mulder gave
Scully a twirl. "Mulder..." Mulder could feel the tenseness in her
body. "Yeah, Scully?" "Do you think we made the right choice?  I mean,
just because Skinner is out doesn't mean they won't shut the X-files
down again, or what if there's already..." "Dana..." "What?"  Rarely
did Mulder call Scully by her first name;  it always surprised her.
Mulder looked down into Scully's startled and worried eyes.  "We have
an open path to the truth;  it's just a bit steeper now." Scully tried
to relax;  Mulder's cryptic sayings were somehow reassuring, but Scully
still had doubts- about everything they had recently experienced and
encountered- in her mind.  She determined to dismiss them, for now. 
"Agent Mulder, I didn't know you were such a good dancer,"  she felt a
smile creep to her face, "will wonders never cease?" Mulder looked down
at his feet.  "Tell you the truth, Scully, I feel silly in this
monkey-suit." "You look handsome," Scully answered spontaneously,
surprising both of them to a halt. Mulder looked knowingly into
Scully's eyes, and murmured, "And you Dana...."  his voice trailed off,
and Mulder simply smiled gently. They stood on the dance floor, still
at arms length from each other as the voices and music seemed to fade
away for an instant, then they began to move again, slowly, this time
Mulder drawing Dana close to him, her eyes closing, his hand in her

The crackle of a match being lit led Skinner to the smoking man
standing in a shadowy corner of the auditorium. "I had no choice," 
Skinner began, "they had samples of Purity Control;  they figured out
who Stokes was."  He wiped his brow nervously, "Everything is in order
now;  they are filing their evidence as an X-file "unsolved."  As for
the shakedown, we knew that something had to happen due to recent
events..." The smoking man dropped his cigarette, snuffed it out with
his foot and said quietly, "Good-bye, Mr. Skinner."  Turning, he
retreated into the darkness.

The End